Adults & Kids With ADHD
I am passionate about helping individuals with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder learn about their diagnosis and employ the latest executive functioning success strategies.
Treatment & Diagnosis for Adults
Diagnosing ADHD in adults is difficult because it does not often present the way it does in children which is what most of us are familiar with. Helping adults with ADHD is probably my favorite part off my job. I use a variety of practical techniques including home/work organization resources, time management tools, and the latest behavioral strategies. Additionally, I walk clients through the process of unlearning the negative beliefs they’ve deeply held about themselves after years of perceived failure, constant forgetfulness, impulsivity, or early school trauma. In short, I split the sessions and work half the time on practical applications and tools for success and use the other half of the session for emotional processing.
Treatment & Diagnosis for Children
Some of my clients come too me with a diagnosis while others come to their first therapy session with a collection of negative feelings and behaviors or are referred to me by their classroom teacher or pediatrician for explosive, impulsive, anxious or distracted behaviors. Regardless, I am eager to help children learn about their strengths and understand how their brain works. Children quickly learn negative beliefs about themselves and shape their identity around the belief that they are “stupid”, “naughty”, “trouble”, or “too much.” Waiting until they are older only gives more time for these harmful thoughts to solidify. Through a combination of educating children and their parents about executive functioning, doing “backpack clean-outs”, home organization, teacher collaboration, and emotional processing, we can dramatically alter the way children act at home and school but more importantly how they see themselves.
Seeing My Time
This brilliant tool developed by Marydee Sklar is one way that I teach students of all ages to develop personal and academic success.